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General Instructions
Once the application is launched, you have three hours to submit your project. You will not have the option of saving your work and returning to it later. Therefore, we recommend that, before starting, you print the project registration form by clicking on the above link "Printable Form".
All questions must be answered. Some of them are accompanied by a text box for providing additional information. We recommend that you make use of this space, since the content will be considered in your project's evaluation.
The questionnaire may pose questions that are not related to your project; in these cases, please select the option "Not applicable".
At the end, you will have an opportunity to attach files, so we ask that you send materials along with the project presentation to complement the evaluation.
All information will be treated confidentially.
The system will send an e-mail confirming the receipt of your project.
Braskem Idesa may not sponsor projects with the following characteristics:
  • That promote specific political parties, politicians or religions;
  • That encourage violence, criminality, drugs, sex, animal cruelty and bad environmental practices;
  • That are not aligned with the values of transparency, integrity and ethics;
  • That violate the law or are not aligned with the Company's Code of Conduct or Policy on Compliance with Ethics, Integrity and Transparency;
  • That are associated with organizations representing, whether directly or indirectly, a specific political party or politician;
  • That are for individuals. Only organizations may receive support;
  • That are for professional artists or bands.
Indirect Support 
Sponsorships based on indirect financial support, i.e. when an organization acts as an intermediary between Braskem Idesa and the final beneficiary, are prohibited. Braskem Idesa may enter into agreements only with the organizations responsible for executing the project, with the payments made directly to these organizations. 
Donation proposals sent for analysis must be submitted at least 60 days before their execution.
Thank you for considering us as a potential partner of your project.
We wish you much success on your project!

Engineered by SPONSORIUM  © 2001-2025